Research in Computing Science

An open access research journal
Computer science and computer engineering

Issue 153(12) (2024)


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Front matter (pp. 0–2)

Table of Contents (pp. 3–4)


Brandon Alejandro Llaca-Sánchez, Dulce Sofía Marín-Chávez, Alejandra Vilchis-Yubi

Detection and Classification of Brain Tumors in MRIs Using CNNs (pp. 5–18; abstract)


Anvi Alex-Eponon, Muhammad Tayyab-Zamir, Lemlem Kawo-Eyob, Luis Israel Ramos-Perez, Ildar Bartyrshin, Grigori Sidorov, %%% Olga Koleniskova, Francisco Hiram Calvo-Castro, Alexander Gelbukh

From Simple Detection to Quality-aware Prediction: Exploring Argument Complexity with Machine Learning (pp. 19–33; abstract)


Luis E. Montañez, Luis M. Valentín-Coronado, Daniela Moctezuma, Diego A. Mercado-Ravell

Assessing the Impact of Data Augmentation on Photovoltaic Module Faults Detection Using Deep Learning Models (pp. 35–46; abstract)


Carlos Leyva-Bravo, Ivan Gallardo-Bernal, Humberto Pérez-Espinosa

Automatic COPD Detection through Vocal Emissions Using Intelligent Audio Analysis (pp. 47–58; abstract)


Edgar Gilberto Platas-Campero, Raquel Díaz-Hernández, Leopoldo Altamirano-Robles

SS-DTL: Semantic Segmentation with Dual Transfer Learning in Leukemic Retinopathy Using Knowledge from Diabetic Retinopathy (pp. 59–71; abstract)


Juan Francisco Muñoz-Elguezabal, Diego F. Arriaza-Alonzo

Role of Sparse Training and Evolutionary Optimization in Volatility Forecasting Models (pp. 73–91; abstract)


Bruno Gil-Ramírez, Jessica López-Espejel, María del Carmen Santiago-Díaz, Gustavo Trinidad Rubín-Linares

Sólo Escúchame: Spanish Emotional Accompaniment Chatbot (pp. 93–106; abstract)


Francisco Mestizo, Alberto Orozco, Belén González, Eunice Santos, Neil Hernandez-Gress

Predicting University Student Dropout with Extracurricular Activities Participation Using Machine Learning Models: A Case Study %%% at Tecnológico de Monterrey (pp. 107–118; abstract)


Raul Jimenez-Cruz, Galo Ruiz-Soto, Miguel Gonzalez-Mendoza

US Airlines Twitter Opinion Analysis: Classifying Positive or Negative Comments (pp. 119–127; abstract)

Back matter (p. 129)