Research in Computing Science

An open access research journal
Computer science and computer engineering

Issue 152(12) (2023)


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Front matter (pp. 0–2)

Table of Contents (pp. 3–4)


Ángel Cadena, Francisco F. López-Ponce, Gerardo Sierra, Jorge Lázaro, Sergio-Luis Ojeda-Trueba

Information Retrieval Techniques for Question Answering based on Pre-Trained Language Models (pp. 5–15; abstract)


Gustavo De Los Ríos-Alatorre, Luis Alberto Muñoz-Ubando

Understanding and Tracking of Deformable Objects in the Context of Humanoid Robotics: A Literature Review (pp. 17–29; abstract)


Armando Martínez, Eduardo F. Morales, L. Enrique Sucar

Relational Representation for Knowledge Transfer in Reinforcement Learning (pp. 31–44; abstract)


Jaime A. García-Pulido, José M. Salomón-Montaño, Uziel H. López-Meneses, Pablo Yamamoto-Magaña, Raúl Morales-Salcedo, Yoel Ledo-Mezquita, %%% Elioth Macias-Frotto

Web Service for Inventory Control with Machine Learning and Interactive Maps with Leaflet on the Google Cloud Platform (pp. 45–53; abstract)


Rodrigo del Moral, Orlando Ramos-Flores, Helena Gómez-Adorno

Enhancing Biomedical NLP in Spanish: Large Language Model’s Domain Adaptation for Named Entity Recognition in Clinical Notes (pp. 55–65; abstract)


Fernando Moreno, Adriana Lara

Optimizing Affordably Tree Seeding to Enhance Mexico City’s Air Quality (pp. 67–81; abstract)


Marco A. Bosquez-González, Luis E. Bojórquez-Almazán, Kevin G. Zazueta-Sánchez, Yoel Ledo-Mezquita, Elioth Macias-Frotto

Development of a Front-End with Dynamic Searches for Chatbot Retraining Using ReactJS (pp. 83–92; abstract)


Diego A. Peralta-Rodríguez, Gerardo Lugo-Torres, José E. Valdez-Rodríguez, Hiram Calvo

Automated Handwriting Analysis for Personality Traits Recognition Using Image Preprocessing Techniques (pp. 93–106; abstract)


Cesar Macias, Miguel Soto, Marco A. Cardoso-Moreno, Hiram Calvo

Modeling the Depressive Mind: A Machine Learning Approach to Deciphering Beck’s Cognitive Triad (pp. 107–120; abstract)


Sergio Pérez-Picazo, Hiram Galeana-Zapién, Edwyn Aldana-Bobadilla

Understanding the Limits of Average Aggregation in Federated Learning Scenarios (pp. 121–136; abstract)


Luis A. Fernández-Castro, Javier A. Valdivia-del-Ángel, Kevin G. Zazueta-Sánchez, Ricardo Cantú-Martínez, Yoel Ledo-Mezquita, Elioth Macias-Frotto

Front-End Responsive Web Application for Chatbot Retraining Using ReactJS with MongoDB (pp. 137–142; abstract)


Alberto Alvarado Sandoval, Fernando Aguilar-Canto, Diana Jiménez, Hiram Calvo

Suicide Tendency Content Detection with Natural Language Processing and LIME Explainer (pp. 143–152; abstract)


Rebai Rim, Maalej Mohamed Amin, Adel Mahfoudhi

Bayesian Learning for User Modeling (pp. 153–165; abstract)

Back matter (p. 167)