Research in Computing Science

An open access research journal
Computer science and computer engineering

Issue 127 (2016)


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Front matter (pp. 1–4)

Editorial (p. 5)

Table of Contents (pp. 7–8)


Jaime Vega Pérez, Blanca García, Saúl Vega Pérez

Development of the Electronic System for Obtaining the I-V and P-V Curves of Photovoltaic Module Using a Personal Computer (pp. 9–17; abstract)


Irene López Rodríguez, Blanca Tovar Corona, Blanca Alicia Rico Jiménez, Laura Ivonne Garay Jiménez

A Hybrid Approach Based on Cores-Clouds, STAR Methodology and Genetic Algorithms for Rules Extraction (pp. 19–30; abstract)


Edgar Romo-Montiel, Mario Eduardo Rivero-Angeles, Herón Molina-Lozano

Hybrid Transmission Scheme for the Cluster Formation in Wireless Sensor Networks with Noisy Channels (pp. 31–40; abstract)


Blanca Alicia Rico Jiménez, Jose Daniel Perez Ramirez, Fernando Hernandez Molina, Laura Ivonne Garay Jiménez

Experimental Information Management System with Creation of Questionnaire Using NoSQL Databases (pp. 41–50; abstract)


Javier Mendoza Almanza, Francisco de Asís López-Fuentes

Collaborative Multi-Source Scheme for Multimedia Content Distribution (pp. 51–57; abstract)


Christian E. Maldonado

How to Improve the Reach and Impact of Social Media Content (pp. 59–68; abstract)


Adrián Antonio Castañeda Galván, Álvaro Anzueto Ríos, Mariana Elizabeth Montealegre Rodríguez

Humanoid Robot Programming for the Assistance of an Artistic Performance (pp. 69–78; abstract)


N. Vega, V. H. García, W. P. Mendoza, J. L. Martínez

Embedded Prototype System for Monitoring Heart Rate (pp. 79–89; abstract)


Elena F. Ruiz, Laura I. Garay, Juan J. Gutiérrez

Applications on Mobile Devices for Solving Derivative Problems (pp. 91–99; abstract)


Daniel Soto Carabantes, Cristian Barría Huidobro, David Cordero Vidal

Optimation through Automation of Malware Update Process, Capable of Evading Anti-Malware Systems (pp. 101–110; abstract)


Elena Fabiola Ruiz Ledesma, Lorena Chavarría Báez, Laura Ivonne Garay

Virtual Environment of Learning to Support the Topic of Proportionality at Elementary Levels (pp. 111–120; abstract)


José Francisco Beltrán Chávez, Orcar Alejandro Lemus Pichardo, Víctor Barrera Figueroa, Mario Eduardo Rivero Ángeles, Miguel Félix Mata Rivera

Design and Implementation of a Medium Access Protocol for a Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network (pp. 121–127; abstract)


Edgar-Armando Catalán-Salgado, Roberto Zagal-Flores, Miguel Felix-Mata, Jose-David Ortega-Pacheco

Diet Generator Based on World Health Organization Recommendations (pp. 129–135; abstract)


Álvaro Azueto-Ríos, Luis-Enrique Hernández-Gómez, Kevin-Andrés Hernández-Santiago

Forearm and Hand Vein Detection System for an Infrared Image Database (pp. 137–147; abstract)


Jossue D. Hernández, Elena F. Ruiz, Rosaura Palma

Expert System as a Support Tool for Teaching Calculus (pp. 149–157; abstract)


Chadwick Carreto, Blanca Carvajal, Alejandro Diaz

Scalable Automation System Based on Raspberry (pp. 159–165; abstract)


Jaqueline Reynosa-Guerrero, Jose-Antonio Canseco-Pinacho, Hugo Jiménez-Hernández, Josue Rafael-Montes Martínez, Vicente Bringas-Rico

Displacement Estimation in Micro-photographies through Genetic Algorithm (pp. 167–175; abstract)

Back matter (p. 177)